The original type of sushi was first developed in Southeast Asia and spread to south China before being introduced to Japan sometime around the 8th century.[1][2] Fish was salted and wrapped in fermented rice, a traditional lacto-fermented rice dish. Narezushiwas made of this gutted fish which was stored in fermented rice for months at a time for preservation. The fermentation of the rice prevented the fish from spoiling.[3] The fermented rice was discarded and fish was the only part consumed. This early type of sushi became an important source of protein for the Japanese.
The Japanese preferred to eat fish with rice, known as namanare or namanari(生成, なまなれ, なまなり, semi-fermented). During the Muromachiperiod namanare was the most popular type of sushi. Namanare was partly raw fish wrapped in rice, consumed fresh, before it changed flavor. This new way of consuming fish was no longer a form of preservation but rather a new dish in Japanese cuisine.
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